News & Events
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform
Every day we add new cases to our database and add new commentary to the index entries in our citator. We normally list the most recent new entries in our Weekly Notes roundup, but as that’s on hold till next term we’re offering them as a mid-vac taster on their own. Enjoy them with your morning coffee or afternoon tea.… Continue reading
As more and more case law is published and available online, the key question for users is how to find the cases they need. How do they know they haven’t missed something? We look at how AI could help them find even the “unknown unknowns” that might be out there. … Continue reading
We wish all our friends in the legal world and beyond a very pleasant Christmas break, and a Happy New Year for 2021. This has been a difficult year for many, and we hope for better to come. ICLR will be closed until 4 January 2021. Some support will be provided via email but please… Continue reading
Every year ICLR holds an office bake sale and sends a team on the LLST Legal Walk to help raise funds for legal aid and advice. This year, we were forced to walk (or bake) in socially distanced isolation, but we went ahead anyway.… Continue reading
The chief executive of HMCTS, Susan Acland-Hood, has responded to an open letter from NGOs and academics raising concerns about the provision of open justice measures during the COVID-19 emergency period.… Continue reading
Georgina Orde, Susanne Rook and Paul Magrath from ICLR joined the Lord Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers – all walking in isolation and in different locations – to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust which funds Law Centres and pro bono agencies in and around London.… Continue reading
We’ve added a new feature to ICLR.3 enabling users to “jump to” a particular paragraph in our full text law reports. This functionality adds to the ability to jump straight to a page and to navigate precisely to any one of a number of elements in the case report using the Table of Contents on… Continue reading
A coalition of campaigning organisations, academics and open justice advocates are calling on the government to make sure that the public and media have proper access to our courts.… Continue reading
The following announcement is reposted from the 67 Bricks website: 67 Bricks is delighted to announce that we have begun work to deliver the next phase of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales’ digital transformation strategy, which starts with an upgrade to their custom delivery platform, ICLR Online. The robust and… Continue reading
Congratulations to Tamasin Graham, winner of the ICLR Pupillage Award 2019… Continue reading