News & Events

News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

1953: A year to remember

This year marks the diamond jubilee of the Weekly Law Reports, which were launched in 1953 with a mission to provide a general series of full text law reports that would be “unsurpassed for completeness”. Continue reading

YouTube if you want to, the law is not for turning (into a joke)

You read it here first: ICLR Encounters 3, featuring Tim Kevan, Gary Slapper and Alex Williams, “Making Light of the Law“, is now available on video, courtesy of YouTube. The 30 minutes of seamlessly edited highlights include: Gary Slapper, author of “Weird Cases“, recounting the tale of a man who was prosecuted and fined for Continue reading

Sponsored post: Making Light of the Law @TheICLR

“I hear that the ICLR is hosting a seminar entitled Making Light of the Law,” said TheCreep the other day. “Ha! Now that’s a challenge,” said UpTights. “In my view, there is nothing, and I repeat, absolutely and utterly nothing whatsoever light or indeed funny about the law.” “Except for the lawyers, that is,” said TheBusker Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin (3)

The 20 per cent discount on all ICLR products being offered to delegates at the International Bar Association’s annual conference in Dublin has been proving very popular with the delegates stopping by at our stand in the exhibition hall.We have two dem… Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin (2)

The fact that Dublin has been flooded with five thousand lawyers attending the IBA annual conference has not escaped the notice of our taxi drivers. To a man they are, or believe themselves to be, the soul of wit (though not always with the proverbial … Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin

English case law has, by virtue of its persuasive standing in other common law jurisdictions, an appealing quality for many of the five thousand odd delegates at the International Bar Association’s annual conference. The fact that the ICLR is offe… Continue reading

ICLR to provide free law reports to the Free Representation Unit.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting has, in line with its charitable charter, decided to provide the Free Representation Unit (FRU) with a complimentary subscription to our new online service, ICLR Online For anyone that doesn’t know, FRU is a charity that provides legal advice and advocacy Continue reading

Judge for yourself and give us your verdict

The new ICLR Online service went live seven weeks ago, after a sell-out launch at Middle Temple. Our demos have gone down a storm at major events such as the BIALL, IBA and English Bar conferences. We’ve signed up over 500 free trials. We know people are using it. What we would like to know Continue reading