News & Events

News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

New users start here: ICLR.4 user guidance

Since launching ICLR.4 almost six months ago, we’ve had quite a bit of feedback, for which we’re very grateful, and we’ve also had a chance to finish off some of the outstanding features (and they certainly are outstanding). We’ve also signed up a lot of new users, and it’s partly for their benefit, and for Continue reading

Seasons greetings from ICLR

We wish all our friends in the legal world and beyond a very pleasant Christmas break, and a Happy New Year for 2022. This has been a difficult year for many, yet again, but we still hope for better to come. ICLR will be closed until 4 January 2021. Some support will be provided via Continue reading

Freshly baked: new cases and commentary on ICLR

Every day we add new cases to our database and add new commentary to the index entries in our citator. We normally list the most recent new entries in our Weekly Notes roundup, but as that’s on hold till next term we’re offering them as a mid-vac taster on their own. Enjoy them with your morning coffee or afternoon tea. Continue reading