News & Events

News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

We’re hiring!

The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales (ICLR) is looking for a new law reporter. It’s an important and responsible job, selecting and reporting those significant cases decided by the senior courts that change or clarify the law. To find out more: see Recruitment page Could you be a law reporter? What Continue reading

BIALL pub quiz 2023

On Thursday 23rd March 2023 ICLR entered a team into the annual BIALL pub quiz, held at the Pavilion End near St Pauls. Continue reading

ICLR welcomes the Botswana Law Reports

Last month the ICLR hosted a team of editors and reporters from the Botswana Law Reports on a week-long educational trip to London. ICLR staff provided training and shared information on all aspects of the reporting, editing, publishing, and IT aspects of the business. There were also visits to the Royal Courts of Justice and Continue reading

A celebration of law reporting in Melbourne

On a recent trip to Australia, ICLR co-hosted an evening with the Council of Law Reporting in Victoria, celebrating the contribution of law reporters to the rule of law. This post sets out the speeches given on that occasion. Continue reading

Accession of King Charles III: changes affecting The Law Reports

Changes to content The recent change of monarch will be reflected in the titles of some courts and cases published in The Law Reports and other content by ICLR. The Queen’s Bench Division (QBD) of the High Court will now be known as the King’s Bench Division (KBD). Cases brought in the name of the Continue reading