Legal Profession
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform
Sophia Stapleton, winner of the inaugural ICLR Pupillage Award, offers some advice based on her own experience in applying for, and getting, a pupillage. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein Getting pupillage can be hard. A rejection does not mean that all… Continue reading
This is the first year that the ICLR have given a pupillage award, which is worth £12,000 for a barrister, taken on as a pupil in a set of chambers doing mainly publicly funded work, and in receipt of an existing pupil award from those chambers of no more than £14,000. The award was launched… Continue reading
Law reporters have always depended on the goodwill of advocates and instructing solicitors in providing copies of pleadings, skeleton arguments and authorities bundles to help in the process of reporting important precedents. In the past, such help was sought and given unofficially. Although there has been a series of practice directions on how court bundles… Continue reading
Guest post by David Burrows Confidentiality, privilege and the Panama papers The leak of information from a firm of Panama lawyers – the Panama papers – raises a variety of questions for English lawyers, notably in the areas of confidentiality and of legal professional privilege (LPP). Papers held by a lawyer are confidential –… Continue reading
What does diversity look like in the legal profession? How can law firms do more to encourage applicants from less privileged backgrounds? Are there relevant differences between law firms and their corporate clients, such as Tesco or the National Grid? Are there regulatory constraints which prevent the professions from opening up different ways in? These… Continue reading
The continued reduction in legal aid in cases involving family law, housing disputes etc, means that many people going to court are finding they have no choice but to represent themselves or try to get some help from someone other than an expensive lawyer. One such resource is a ‘McKenzie friend’. In this post we explain what… Continue reading
What’s the difference between a “law report” and a “transcript”? This is one of those questions where the answer is as obvious to some as it is inconspicuous to others. It is also a question that may, quite reasonably, strike some as a bit pedantic. However, there is a distinction and it doesn’t hurt to be… Continue reading
How should judges communicate with the public? Should they, as that exemplary Conservative Lord Chancellor Lord Kilmuir exhorted them back in the 1950s, remain silent and aloof, preserving their mystique (and that of the law), or should they “descend into the arena” and take up arms with the media on their own turf, seeking to… Continue reading
Fiona Woolf, who has been appointed to chair the government inquiry into historic child sex abuse (CSA), recently appeared before the Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, effectively to answer the charge that she was not a suitable or proper person to undertake the role. She was appointed after the resignation of… Continue reading
Given the popularity of social media among members of the legal profession, particularly Twitter (an ideal medium for the robust adversarial exchange of views), it is not surprising that regulatory bodies should wish to promote its use in a responsible and professional manner. This post was updated on 12 July 2014. The International Bar Association… Continue reading