Supreme Court
Advocate General for Scotland
[2021] UKSC 44
2021 Feb 25;
Oct 13
Lord Hodge DPSC, Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Briggs, Lord Leggatt, Lord Burrows JJSC
Industrial relationsEmployment tribunalsInterim reliefClaimant granted award by Scottish employment tribunal in proceedings against former employerClaimant seeking interim relief after failure to pay awardScottish law requiring separate court action to be raised to obtain interim remedy of warrant to arrest employer’s bank accounts on dependence of claimWhether Scottish courts having jurisdiction to grant warrant for arrestment on dependence of tribunal applicationWhether requirement for separate court proceedings breaching EU law principles of effectiveness, effective remedy and equivalenceWhether UK failing to properly implement EU Directives Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987 (c 18), Pt 1A
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