
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Sponsored post: Making Light of the Law @TheICLR

“I hear that the ICLR is hosting a seminar entitled Making Light of the Law,” said TheCreep the other day. “Ha! Now that’s a challenge,” said UpTights. “In my view, there is nothing, and I repeat, absolutely and utterly nothing whatsoever light or indeed funny about the law.” “Except for the lawyers, that is,” said TheBusker Continue reading

Judges on strike: could it happen here?

Judges in Egypt have threatened to go on strike in protest against a decree, issued by new president Mohammed Mursi, the terms of which place the president above any law and declare that his decisions cannot be challenged. According to reports from the International Business Times, the decree purports to give the president immunity from Continue reading

The BAILII lecture: No Judgment, No Justice

For justice to be seen to be done, judgments given in open court must be accessible in two senses. They must be clearly written so that a reasonably well informed member of the public can understand what is being decided. But they must also be available to the public, and in this sense their accessibility Continue reading

An obvious observation about obviousness

The law of patents is not always patently clear, but one point is obvious. The question of obviousness is not one that admits of endless elaboration. It is, in fact, obvious. In a judgment handed down yesterday, MedImmune Ltd v Novartis Pharm… Continue reading

ICLR links up with BAILII

A small link for a mouse but a giant leap forward for users of both ICLR Online and BAILII. Launched on 1 October 2012, the start of the new legal term, a new feature of ICLR’s online case law database now enables subscribers to link directly… Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin (3)

The 20 per cent discount on all ICLR products being offered to delegates at the International Bar Association’s annual conference in Dublin has been proving very popular with the delegates stopping by at our stand in the exhibition hall.We have two dem… Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin (2)

The fact that Dublin has been flooded with five thousand lawyers attending the IBA annual conference has not escaped the notice of our taxi drivers. To a man they are, or believe themselves to be, the soul of wit (though not always with the proverbial … Continue reading

The ICLR at the IBA in Dublin

English case law has, by virtue of its persuasive standing in other common law jurisdictions, an appealing quality for many of the five thousand odd delegates at the International Bar Association’s annual conference. The fact that the ICLR is offe… Continue reading