
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Court Napping

Court cases can be dramatic and riveting; but all too often they turn out to be rather dull and may prompt more than simply an idle yawn or drooping lid. Continue reading

Law Reporting in a New Media Age

You can now tweet from inside court, the number of legal bloggers (or blawgers) has risen exponentially and most newspapers publish considerably more content in their online editions than they print. Meanwhile, the traditional legal correspondent … Continue reading

An unseemly turf war fought in a monstrous labyrinth

After the many children in need cases reported in recent years, including the trilogy of cases in last month’s PTSR, one might have thought that the courts had drawn the legal frontiers sufficiently clearly to eliminate funding disputes between publ… Continue reading

Carbolic smoke bongs! A revealing post from BabyBarista

Regrets? We’ve all had a few. Especially in our misspent youths. But as the latest post from the BabyBarista blog shows, there are some quite simple steps you can take to remedy even the most embarrassing (professionally speaking) lapses in your past. Chambers were discussing one of the candidates for a third six pupillage today. Continue reading

Practice makes perfect: a good argument deserves the best citation

Some authorities are better than others; and some reports of those authorities are better than others. Don’t take our word for it: the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge has just issued a new practice direction on the matter. It reiterates what a previous Lord Chief Justice, Lord Woolf, said a little over a decade ago Continue reading

Open justice – or least said soonest mended?

We expect our judges to state their opinions in public – when giving judgment in open court. But in a week in which two senior judges have spoken outside court about the dangers of, er, judges speaking outside court, we should perhaps reflect on the other side of the same coin: the dangers of not Continue reading