
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

HHJ Pennyweather: Palm tree justice

When you’re doing a job you hate, what makes it even worse is when everyone else seems to be out enjoying themselves. All the more so when the sun is shining and worse still a few of your good friends are emailing you photos of their latest catch from your local river whilst you’re sitting Continue reading

Walking for justice. The ICLR at the London Legal Walk

A team from ICLR will be walking the walk, literally, and with as much sponsorship as we can muster from all our generous supporters, to raise money for the very good cause of providing legal advice to those who really need it at a time when public legal funding is being savagely cut. The walk Continue reading

Nothing new under the sun: prolix pleaders then and now

In a recent Commercial case Standard Bank plc v Via Mat International Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 490 the Court of Appeal drew attention to Khader v Aziz (Note) [2010] 1 WLR 2673, reiterated its warning against the unnecessary length of skeleton arguments and reminded parties of the possibility of the sanction of adverse costs orders. Continue reading

HHJ Pennyweather, the legal arms race and grumpy old judge syndrome

Sometimes I really think that the supposedly cleverest people in the world are in fact the most stupid. A case which came before me last week illustrates this point perfectly. It started life as an uncomplicated personal injury matter which should have settled out of court many years ago. But instead what happened was that Continue reading

CALL 2013 Montreal – Amongst friends

At the annual gathering of the Canadian Association of Law Librarians (CALL) 5-8 May 2013, sponsored in part by ICLR.  Conference Diary by Rebecca Herle, Head of Marketing and Operations. After an eventful entrance to the city I refer to as Belle Ville, Montreal, a few bags searched and a less than legal taxi journey, Continue reading

Judicial conduct: benchmarks for good and bad behaviour

The news that a judge has held himself to be in contempt of court – and fined himself – has yet again brought to public attention the issue of judicial conduct. The incident occurred in America, where there are plenty of examples of judicial eccentricity, to put it mildly; but that great nation is by Continue reading

Paying LiP service to April fools

It’s often said that a lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.* But a lay person who cannot get legal aid or insurance to cover the cost of a lawyer is not a fool – merely a victim of the new regime under LASPO (the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment Continue reading