
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 24 June 2016

At the end of another turbulent week, the UK faces an uncertain future after a narrow victory in the referendum for those wishing to leave the European Union. We look at the political fallout and the legal implications. EU Referendum result special Broken Britain After a surprise (and quite narrow 52-48%) win for the Leavers Continue reading

Book review – Marshall Hall: A Law unto Himself

As one of the most famous criminal defence barristers who ever practised in England and Wales, Sir Edward Marshall Hall KC MP makes a fascinating subject for a new biography, and Sally Smith QC, who took a year out of her own busy practice to write this book, more than does him justice. Paul Magrath Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 17 June 2016

Looking back on a turbulent week in law and politics, we seem to have a lot about professional (and unprofessional) conduct, as well as crime and some very poor decision-making. Fools have rushed in where angels would have feared, quite rightly, to tread. EU Referendum Broken Brexit At the end of a truly turbulent week, Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 10 June 2016

This week’s roundup of legal news and commentary includes threats to jury trial, contemptuous snapping in court and social media outside of it, sumptionsplaining the family law, sentencing plans and a chance to write new laws. (Apologies for late posting, delayed by conference activities.) Juries Twin threats to jury system This week saw news of Continue reading

In Dublin for #biall2016: conference diary – continued

The story so far: Team ICLR is in Dublin for the annual conference of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians. (Link to the earlier post here.) Now read on. Thursday 9 June Start of the conference proper. Our task is to explain what ICLR does to the newer delegates who may not already Continue reading

In Dublin for #biall2016: conference diary

Team ICLR is in Dublin this week for the annual conference of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians. With a packed programme of talks and discussions, and a chance to meet some new subscribers and catch up with all our existing friends among the publishers and librarians, it promises to be a memorable Continue reading

Diversity and Community Relations Judges

In this post we examine the role of DCR or Diversity and Community Relations judges, who reach out to minority and disaffected groups as well as to the wider public to give them a better understanding of the legal process and what happens in court. Giving the opening address at the Transparency Project’s Child Protection Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 3 June 2016

The week’s collection of legal news, reports and commentary includes checking facts amidst the brouhaha of EU Referendum debate, some interesting comments on Transforming Justice and, from overseas, yet another judge embarrassed over a letter of complaint (this time in India). EU Referendum Facts checked The battle between the Innies and the Outies, the Brexiteers Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 27 May 2016

This week’s roundup of legal news and comment deals with crime, sentencing and legal services, among other matters. Best enjoyed over a cup of tea or coffee. Sentencing Law Com paper on transition to New Sentencing Code The Law Commission this month published their report, A New Sentencing Code for England and Wales: Transition – Continue reading

#barristerpoetry – a blossoming of talent in the timeline

Over the last couple of weeks a Twitter hashtag started by an employment law barrister has taken flight and prompted a stream of witty contributions. As the gardens of the Inns of Court bloomed in the glorious sunshine outside, barristers chafing indoors at their desks in chambers or waiting for their case to come on Continue reading