
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

#CALLACBD2018 – Halifax, here we come!

ICLR at #CALLACBD2018 ICLR’s Daniel Hoadley, Head of Marketing, and Paul Hastings, Account Manager, are on their way to Halifax, Nova Scotia for the annual (and bilingual) conference of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries/L’Association canadienne des bibliothèques de droit. The theme of this year’s conference is “Build Bridges – Broaden Our Reach”, and features a logo Continue reading

#londonlegalwalk – Support Team ICLR!

As in previous years, a team from ICLR walked the London Legal Walk earlier this week to help raise funds for pro bono legal advice. Here are some photos. Read on to find out how you can help. Team ICLR in Carey Street, ready to set off. L to R: Georgina Orde, Clive Scowen, Susanne Continue reading

Authorised law reporting: A welcome in Victoria

Autumn Drinks to celebrate developments in the reporting of authorised law reports published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales, and the Councils of Law Reporting in NSW and Victoria By Justice Macaulay 10 May 2018 The challenges for law reporting in the early 21st century may be likened to the challenges Continue reading

Authorised law reporting: A welcome in New South Wales

Remarks to welcome to Australia the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales by Justice Steven Rares 9 May 2018 1. It is my pleasure, as Chair of the Consultative Council for Australian Law Reporting (CCALR) to welcome you to tonight’s function that has been arranged to welcome the members of the Incorporated Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 21 May 2018

This week’s roundup of legal news and comment includes the match made in heaven, or at any rate Windsor – among other, less frothy content, such as forensic science, courts, coroners and end of life decisions in the family courts. Royal Wedding Legal commentary Lest readers might think we had succumbed to the national hysteria Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 14 May 2018

Our weekly roundup of legal news and commentary returns after a fortnight’s gap while we attended a conference in Darwin and other events in Australia. This week’s selection has a lot about family law, for reasons that will become apparent; also immigration, legal aid in criminal cases, freedom of information, court reform, and copyright.  Family Continue reading

ICLR in Sydney and Melbourne, 6-12 May 2018

Continuing their Australian tour after #ALLA2018 in Darwin, Paul Magrath, Head of Product Development, and Paul Hastings, Account Manager went first to Sydney for a few days and then on to Melbourne. They were there to help bang the drum for the respective Councils of Law Reporting for New South Wales and Victoria, as well Continue reading

#ALLA2018 – Darwin Diary

Pre-conference warm up Team ICLR (aka ‘the two Pauls’) arrived in town a few days early in order to acclimatise to the different time zone and, as it transpired (or perspired), the very different climate in Darwin. After an unusually cold winter back in Blighty, we were not used to temperatures in the mid to Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 30 April 2018

This week’s roundup comes from Darwin, Australia, where ICLR is sponsoring the Australian Law Librarians’ Association biennial conference, #ALLA2018. We’ve encountered warm weather, cold beer, glorious sunsets and snapping crocodiles – but no law librarians, so far. The conference proper starts on 2 May, and we’ll bring you more news about it in due course. Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 23 April 2018

This week’s roundup of legal news and commentary includes cautionary tales from court, a pricking of passing-off pomposity, a papal intervention over a baby’s best interests, Brexit, and investigation into NDAs and sexual harassment.  (Separate post on legal education to follow.) Courts Cautionary tales about conduct Two recent blog posts discuss issues around breaches of Continue reading