
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR – 10 June 2019

In this week’s roundup of legal news and commentary, the criminal bar takes up arms against the slings and arrows of outrageous legal aid cuts, though extra funding is now available to swell the thinning cohort of the senior judiciary; meanwhile Henry VIII appears in full fig in the Online Courts bill and we have updates on recent cases and forthcoming events. Continue reading

Book review: Guilty until Proven Innocent, by Jon Robins

Jon Robins anatomises a criminal appeals system that appears to prioritise public confidence over individual fairness, that only grudgingly admits miscarriages of justice and that, even then, fails to compensate its victims unless they prove the very innocence they were presumed to have had in the first place. Continue reading

Parliamentary privilege and the rule of law

David Burrows explains how parliamentary privilege was designed to stop the courts interfering with Parliament, not to allow parliamentarians to interfere with the work of the courts. He considers Lord Hain’s use of the privilege to trump a court injunction in the light of a recent speech on the matter by the Lord Chief Justice. Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR-15 April 2019

In this last roundup of the Hilary Term, we look at the latest law and policy stories including Brexit, Assange’s extradition, the Brunei boycott, legal aid and divorce myths and new crimes on the statute book. But who is the seasonal sacrificial lamb? Continue reading