
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

surveillance camera and laptop

Book review: Blackstone’s Guide to the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, by Simon McKay

The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA) is the latest step in bringing the hitherto unknown surveillance activities of the State into the light and under statutory control through ‘world-leading oversight’, or — depending on your point of view — the “the most intrusive surveillance regime of any democracy” that legitimises the surveillance State. (The former was how then Home Secretary Amber Rudd described it in a departmental press release; the latter was the reaction of the human rights campaign group, Liberty.) Continue reading

Disclosure and the family lawyer – Part 1

Disclosure: reliance of the family law on common law and civil proceedings rule “Disclosure” has had extensive press recently, mostly in relation to criminal proceedings. In the more narrow legal press, it is of concern to civil lawyers, especially in the burgeoning field of electronic disclosure and electronic access to documents and other material. Family Continue reading

New South Wales Law Reports

New South Wales Law Reports Online

The NSW Law Reports are produced and published by the Council of Law Reporting for New South Wales and are the authorised report series of the NSW Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Court of Criminal Appeal. Continue reading