
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Tips on reading WLR Dailies on i-Pad and i-Phone

It’s easy to access and read our WLR Daily case summaries on your i-Phone or i-Pad, despite the limitations of the touch-screen version of the Safari web browser. But it’s not as straightforward as it might be, so here’s a step-by-step guide. 1. Open the ICLR home page at 2. Go to Case Search Continue reading

The INJUSTICE of it….

The description “criminal barrister” is normally used to mean a barrister who specialises in criminal law, rather than a barrister who is also in fact a criminal. But then William Travers is an unusual barrister in many ways. Though formerly a member of London chambers, he now seems to be a partner in a provincial Continue reading

An open and shut case

The principle of open justice is our guarantee of judicial accountability. It is also the best way of ensuring that those caught up in the web of litigation are treated fairly and, where, necessary, the wrongdoer is villified while the rightdoer is vindicated. Law reporting has always played an essential role in maintaining that principle. Continue reading

Legally blogged

Put together a room full of legal bloggers, a goodly supply of wine, and some current legal issues to discuss, and the only thing missing will be enough time to do it all justice. That’s what we found when representatives of the ICLR joined some of the top names in legal blogging at the Law Continue reading

The Red Bag of Courage

If you’ve been following the BabyBarista blog you’ll know that the hero is an ambitious young barrister who aims to succeed at any price, and that his sworn enemy is a fellow barrister known as TopFirst. And if you’ve read the first novel in the series, Law and Disorder (aka BabyBarista and the Art of Continue reading

A fantastic little find!

As I’m sure all legal professionals know paper work can mount up at a rate of knots; it’s amazing how much old work we file away and hoard in cupboards. Here at the ICLR we recently decided to tackle the issue of bundles galore and attacked our office with an abundance of bin bags. I Continue reading

A rare find…

“Sound the ALARM Ping! goes the alarm signal in the lawyer’s mind, Stop! It says, there was something on this quite recently, But, where? It needn’t have been a case. An order, perhaps? Or some promise by a Minister? Anyhow, there was something. And the wise man turns to CURRENT LAW to check up. It Continue reading

The ICLR Annual Mooting Competition 2010-2011

On Wednesday 30th March 2011 the Open University took on the University of Exeter in the final of The ICLR Annual Mooting Competition. The prestigious event was held in the sumptuous Large Pension Room at Gray’s Inn, a space which offers the perfect setting for a legal debate. The Large Pension Room at Gray’s Inn Continue reading

A suitable case for tweetment (Part 2)

In a recent speech on open justice the Master of the Rolls added his support to the idea of tweeting from court. I welcome the Lord Chief Justice’s Interim Guidance on Tweeting in Courts. Without wanting to prejudge the contents of the Final Guidance, it seems to me that, subject again to proper safeguards, the Continue reading

Defending the Guilty

Those who have an interest in the lighter side of the law will be delighted that they now have access (from April 7, 2011) to the cheaper, Penguin reprint of “Defending the Guilty” subtitled “Truth and Lies in the Criminal Courtroom” by Alex McBride, for under £10. The author, a criminal barrister, and by that Continue reading