
News, analysis, comment and updates from ICLR's case law and UK legislation platform

Precedent and The National Archives

Even reported judgments are a mixture of ratio decidendi and obiter dicta. So while the publication of all judgments might be a boost for open justice, what effect, asks David Burrows, might archiving all the court’s judgments have on the administration of justice? Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR, 14 June 2021

This first weekly roundup of legal news for the Trinity Term includes an international get-together on the beach, a pledge to build back better in the courts, concerns over the collection of health data, media regulation, plus recent case summaries and commentary. Continue reading

Weekly Notes: legal news from ICLR, 24 May 2021

We end the legal term with a roundup covering a range of institutional failures concerning the BBC, the Home Office, the Police, and the Post Office. Looks like they’re all going to need to pull their socks up and try a bit harder next term. Continue reading

Law, lawyers and law-makers

Who are the law-makers? David Burrows considers who really makes our laws and questions the accuracy of the description as applied to politicians merely by virtue of their participation in the legislative process. Continue reading