Queen’s Bench Division
Basildon Borough Council
[2011] EWHC 2416 (QB)
2011 Sept 19, 23; 26
Edwards-Stuart J
PlanningPlanning controlBreachTravellers occupying land in breach of planning controlLocal authority proposing to enter land and take steps to remedy breaches identified in enforcement noticesTravellers seeking injunction to restrain local authority from entering landWhether local authority having power to demolish buildings or structures not mentioned in enforcement noticeExtent of power to carry out enabling works or to take steps incidental to statutory powerWhether injunction to be granted Local Government Act 1972 (c 70) , s 111(1) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (c 8), s 178(1) (as substituted by Planning and Compensation Act 1991 (c 34), s 7(1))
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