Chancery Division
Panagopoulos and another
Earl Cadogan and another
[2010] EWHC 422 (Ch)
2010 Feb 3, 4, 8, 9;
March 15
Roth J
Landlord and tenantLeasehold enfranchisementTenants’ right to acquire reversionQualifying tenants’ notice to freeholder to exercise collective right to enfranchiseNotice registeredFreeholder subsequently granting long lease to third party of part of property to be acquired by participating tenants including caretaker’s flatWhether right to enlargement of long leasehold into freehold arisingWhether grant of lease amounting to “disposal severing” freeholder’s interestWhether flat housing caretaker constituting “common part”Whether reasonably necessary for claimants to acquire caretaker’s flat “for … proper management or maintenance of … common parts”Whether lease void Law of Property Act 1925 (15 & 16 Geo 5, c 20), ss 153, 205(1)(ix)(xxiii) Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 (c 28), ss 2(1)(b)(3)(a), 19(1)(a)
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