Court of Appeal
*MJ (Angola)
Secretary of State for the Home Department and another
[2010] EWCA Civ 557
2010 March 24;
May 20
Waller, Dyson, Leveson LJJ
ImmigrationDeportationConducive to public goodClaimant living in United Kingdom since aged 12Claimant committing crimes while under 21 and having no links with country of originHome Secretary ordering claimant’s deportation to country of origin as conducive to public goodOrder made while claimant detained in hospital under Mental Health Act regimeWhether Home Secretary having jurisdiction to make deportation order while claimant undischarged mental patientWhether deportation interfering with claimant’s Convention right to respect for private life Immigration Act 1971 (c 77), s 3(5)(b) (as substituted by Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (c 33), s 169(1), Sch 14, para 44(2)) Mental Health Act 1983 (c 20), s 42(2) Human Rights Act 1998 (c 42), Sch 1, Pt I, art 8
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