Court of Appeal
Richmond upon Thames London Borough Council
[2007] EWCA Civ 970
2007 July 11;
Oct 10
Auld, Rix and Moses LJJ
Local governmentHomeless personsPriority needFamily court making uncontested shared residence order by consent in respect of three childrenLocal authority rejecting homeless father’s application for accommodation as homeless person in priority needWhether family court order determinative of whether children “might reasonably be expected to reside” with fatherWhether local housing authority obliged to evaluate reasonableness of expectationWhether scarcity of housing resources relevant to evaluation of reasonableness Whether children “residing” or merely staying with fatherWhether reasonable to expect that children would live with father Children Act 1989 (c 41), ss 1(3)(f)(4), 8 Housing Act 1996 (c 52), s 189(1)(b)
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