Court of Justice of the European Communities
Tele Danmark A/S
Handels- og Kontorfunktionurernes Forbund i Danmark (HK) (acting on behalf of Brandt-Nielsen)
(Case C-109/00)
2001 March 29;
May 10;
Oct 4
President of Chamber A La Pergola, Judges M Wathelet, P Jann, L Sevón and C W A Timmermans Advocate General D Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer
Jiménez Melgar
Ayuntamiento de los Barrios
(Case C-438/99)
2001 March 29;
June 7;
Oct 4
President of Chamber A La Pergola, Judges M Wathelet, P Jann, L Sevón and C W A Timmermans Advocate General A Tizzano
DiscriminationSexEmploymentPregnancyEmployee recruited for fixed period failing to inform employer of pregnancyDismissal during term of contract when employer informed of pregnancyWhether contrary to Community lawWhether non-renewal of fixed-term contract dismissalWhether contrary to Community law in case of pregnant employee Council Directive 76/207/EEC, arts 2(1), 3(1), 5(1) Council Directive 92/85/EEC, art 10
613 Advocate General
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