The Public and Third Sector Law Reports
[2021] PTSR 525
Court of Justice of the European Union
Ministre d’État and others (Fédération des entreprises du recyclage intervening)
(Case C-556/19)
2020 May 28; Oct 21
President of Chamber J-C Bonichot,Vice-President of Court R Silva de Lapuerta, Judges L Bay Larsen, M Safjan, N Jääskinen Advocate General G Pitruzzella
Environment— Protection— Waste— France adopting extended producer responsibility scheme for textile manufacture— Producers paying private non-profit body, approved by public authorities, in return for organising treatment of textile waste— Body redistributing funds to waste management operators subject to scale set by public authorities— Whether funds under constant public control— Whether scheme constituting unlawful state aid—
FEU Treaty
, art 107(1)
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