Court of Justice of the European Union
AFMB Ltd and others
Raad van bestuur van de Sociale verzekeringsbank
(Case C‑610/18)
2019 Sept 17;
Nov 26;
2020 July 16
President K Lenaerts,
Vice‑President R Silva de Lapuerta,
Presidents of Chambers J‑C Bonichot, A Arabadjiev, E Regan, PG Xuereb, LS Rossi, I Jarukaitis,
Judges E Juhász, M Ilešič, J Malenovský, T von Danwitz, C Toader, C Lycourgos, A Kumin
Advocate General P Pikamäe
EmploymentContractMigrant workersCypriot company entering fleet management agreements with Dutch transport undertakings and employment contracts with long-distance lorry driversDrivers resident in Netherlands but working in other EU or EFTA statesCypriot company named in contract as employer of driversWhether “employer” automatically company with which drivers concluded employment contractWhether Netherlands social security legislation therefore not applicableRelevance of actual authority over drivers, costs of wages and power to dismiss Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71, art 14(2)(a) Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 883/2004, art 13(1)(b)
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