Court of Justice of the European Union
Ibercaja Banco SA
(Case C-452/18)
2019 Sept 11;2020 Jan 30;July 9
President of Chamber M Vilaras,Judges S Rodin, D Šváby, K Jürimäe, N PiçarraAdvocate General H Saugmandsgaard Øe
Consumer protectionContractUnfair termsMortgage contract with variable interest rate subject to floor limiting variability of rateFloor rate term amended by novation agreement following concerns about potential unfairness of original termNovation agreement containing mutual waiver of rights of action in relation to old and new floor termsWhether unfair term in consumer contract capable of being amended in agreement containing waiver of rights of action in relation to termWhether and in what circumstances court able to declare new term unfairExtent of information to be provided to consumer on conclusion of novation agreement to comply with requirement of transparencyWhether consumer’s waiver of rights of action in relation to term itself constituting unfair term Council Directive 93/13/EEC, arts 3(1)(2), 4(2), 5, 6, Annex, para 1(q)
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