Court of Appeal
In re
The Prudential Assurance Co Ltd and another (Association of British Insurers intervening)
[2020] EWCA Civ 1626
2020 Oct 27, 28, 29; Dec 2
Sir Geoffrey Vos C, David Richards LJ, Sir Nicholas Patten
Financial servicesBusiness transferSanctionFactors to be taken into account in exercise of court’s discretion to sanction scheme to transfer annuity policiesRelevance of availability of non-contractual external financial support for transferor and transferee companiesWeight to be given to opinion of independent expert and regulators’ lack of objection to proposed schemeRelevance of policyholders’ reasons for choosing to buy annuity from transferor companyProper approach to exercise of discretion to sanction transfer Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (c 8), s 111(3)
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