Queen’s Bench Division
*Regina (El Gizouli)
Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2019] EWHC 60 (Admin)
2018 Oct 8, 9;
2019 Jan 18
Lord Burnett of Maldon CJ, Garnham J
CrimeLetters of requestCriminal investigationUnited States requesting mutual legal assistance from United Kingdom in relation to criminal investigation of British citizen held in SyriaUnited States authorities seeking to prosecute individual in United States for offences carrying death penaltySecretary of State agreeing to provide mutual legal assistance without requiring assurance that death penalty not to be usedWhether Secretary of State’s decision lawfulWhether common law prohibiting removal of individual outside jurisdiction to third country where death penalty might be imposed Human Rights Act 1998 (c 42), Sch 1, Pt I
Data protectionPersonal dataAccess toSecretary of State providing mutual legal assistance to United States authorities in relation to criminal investigation of British citizen held in SyriaWhether statute precluding processing of personal data for use in criminal proceedings which might lead to death penaltyWhether provision of information breaching data protection principles Data Protection Act 2018 (c 12), Pt 3 Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2016/680 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , art 2(2)
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