Court of Appeal
BritNed Development Ltd
ABB AB and another
ABB AB and another
BritNed Development Ltd
[2019] EWCA Civ 1840
2019 July 15, 16, 17; Oct 31
Patten, Henderson, Asplin LJJ
CompetitionRestriction or distortion of competitionAnti-competitive agreementEuropean Commission finding supplier of electricity cable participated in cartelClaimant purchaser of cable bringing damages claim for loss allegedly suffered because of cartelProper approach to assessment of lossWhether European Union principle of effectiveness requiring award of damages to be punitiveWhether loss or damage to claimant to be presumedWhether in absence of precise evidence suffered by claimant court required to err on side of under-compensationWhether damages to be reduced to take account of regulatory cap on claimant’s profitsWhether award of damages based on cartel savings made by supplier wrong in principle FEU Treaty , art 101FEU
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