Court of Appeal
Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2017] EWCA Civ 2134
2017 Nov 23;
Dec 15
Peter Jackson, Singh LJJ
ImmigrationLeave to remainStudentCondition restricting studies to particular educational institutionWhether Secretary of State having power to impose such conditionWhether such condition automatically imposed on granting student leave to remainImmigration Act 1971 (c 77) (as amended by Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 (c 11), s 50), ss 3(1)(c)(ia), 4(1) Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (1994) (HC 395) (as amended by Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (2009) (Cm 7701), para 42 and Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (2011) (HC 908), para 13), paras 245ZY, 322(3)
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