Court of Appeal
*Leekes Ltd
Revenue and Customs Commissioners
[2018] EWCA Civ 1185
2018 March 13;
May 23
Arden, Sales, Henderson LJJ
RevenueCorporation taxLoss reliefTaxpayer company succeeding to trade of company it purchasedWhether losses of predecessor’s trade available for offset against profits of combined trade of both companies Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 (c 1) (as amended by Finance Act 1990 (c 29), s 99, Finance Act 1991 (c 31), ss 73, 123, Sch 15, para 7(1), Sch 19, Pt V, Finance Act 1993 (c 34), s 120, Sch 14, para 8(3), Sch 23, Pt III and Finance Act 2008 (c 9), s 111, Sch 35, paras 3, 4), ss 343(3), 393(1)
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