1968 Aug. 30
Husband and WifeMatrimonial homeSeparationAdverse disposition to disadvantage of occupying spousePrecautionary registration of notice or cautionNeed for.
Land RegistrationMatrimonial homeAdverse disposition to disadvantage of occupying spousePrecautionary registration of notice or cautionNeed for.
PracticeSummary procedure under Order 14Sale by husband of matrimonial homeWife remaining in homeAction by purchaser for possessionClaim for summary judgmentWife's 259allegation that sale a sham intended to deprive her of occupationInsufficient evidence to establish arguable defenceTransaction needing careful scrutiny in interests of justiceFacts within control of plaintiffWhether wife should be given leave to defendWhether “there ought for some other reason to be a trial” R.S.C. (Rev. 1965) (S.I. 1965, No. 1176), Ord. 14, r. 3 (1). [1]
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