Greene v Forbes

Subject Matter

ELECTION — Petition — Court’s jurisdiction — Petitioner applying for leave to withdraw election petition to set aside result of parliamentary by-election — Parliament dissolved before court hearing application — Whether election petition dropping or abating on dissolution of Parliament — Whether court retaining jurisdiction to determine application to withdraw petition and/or issues of costs — Representation of the People Act 1983 (c 2), ss 147, 154, 157(3)

[2020] EWHC 676 (QB); [2021] QB 67; [2020] 3 WLR 569; [2020] WLR(D) 202, DC

Cases Cited

Cases cited in: Greene v Forbes [2020] EWHC 676 (QB); [2021] QB 67; [2020] 3 WLR 569; [2020] WLR(D) 202, DC

Ahmed v Kennedy [2002] EWCA Civ 1793; [2003] 1 WLR 1820; [2003] 2 All ER 440; [2003] LGR 161, CA

Appleby Ward of North West Leicestershire District Council, In re; Roberts v Blunt [2012] EWHC 481 (QB)

Barder v Barder [1988] AC 20; [1987] 2 WLR 1350; [1987] 2 All ER 440; [1987] 2 FLR 480, HL(E)

Belfast Borough Case, The (1842) B & Aust 553

Carter v Ahsan [2005] EWCA Civ 990; [2005] ICR 1817; The Times, 23 August 2005, CA

Carter v Mills LR 9 CP 117, CP

Cherry v Advocate General for Scotland (Lord Advocate intervening) [2019] CSOH 70; 2020 SC 13; [2019] 4 All ER 299, Ct of Sess

Erlam v Rahman [2014] EWHC 2766 (QB); [2015] 1 WLR 231; [2014] WLR (D) 374, DC

Foster Yates & Thom Ltd v HW Edgehill Equipment Ltd The Times, 30 November 1978, CA

Goodes v East Sussex County Council [2000] 1 WLR 1356; [2000] 3 All ER 603; [2000] LGR 465; [2000] RTR 366, HL(E)

Hussein v Khan [2006] EWHC 262 (QB), DC

Jackson v North Eastern Railway Co 5 ChD 844, CA

Kelly v Kelly And Brown (Westminster Bank Ltd Intervening) [1960] 3 WLR 822, PDA

Lush v Waldie (1891) 19 SCR 557

Maconochie v Maconochie [1916] P 326, PDA

Marshall v James LR 9 CP 702, CP

Osman v United Kingdom (Appn no 23452/94); [1999] 1 FLR 193; (1998) 29 EHRR 245, ECtHR (GC)

Pierre-Bloch v France CE:ECHR:1997:1021JUD002419494; 26 EHRR 202

R (Conservative and Unionist Party) v Election Comr [2010] EWCA Civ 1332; [2011] PTSR 416; [2010] WLR (D) 296, CA

R v Cripps, Ex p Muldoon [1984] QB 686; [1984] 3 WLR 53; [1984] 2 All ER 705; 82 LGR 439, CA

Roberts v Fresco [2017] EWHC 283 (Ch); [2017] Ch 433; [2017] 3 WLR 209; [2017] WLR (D) 127, CA

Smith v Dha [2013] EWHC 838 (QB), QBD

Tipperary Case, The (1875) 3 O’M & H 19

Toprak Enerji Sanayi AS v Sale Tilney Technology Plc [1994] 1 WLR 840; [1994] 3 All ER 483; [1994] 1 Lloyd's Rep 303, QBD

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