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All Saints Spring Park Parochial Church Council
Church Commissioners for England
[2024] UKPC 23
2024 Feb 27, 28;July 30
Lord Hodge DPSC, Lord Sales, Lord Hamblen, Lord Leggatt, Lord Richards JJSC
Ecclesiastical lawPastoral schemeAppealDraft pastoral scheme proposing dissolution of parishParochial church council making representations against draft scheme long after relevant deadlineParochial church council seeking to appeal Church Commissioners’ decision to make schemeSolicitors’ notice of intention to apply for leave to appeal failing to identify applicantsWhether church council’s representations “duly made”Whether church council having standing to appealWhether notice of intention to apply for leave to appeal invalidWhether jurisdiction to hear appeal Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011 (No 3), ss 6, 9, 11(3), 12, Sch 2, paras 1, 3
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