King’s Bench Division
*Invest Bank PSC
El-Husseini and others
[2023] EWHC 2302 (Comm)
2023 Sept 12, 13, 14; 20
Stephen Houseman KC sitting as a deputy High Court judge
Conflict of lawsForeign judgmentEnforcementClaimant obtaining foreign monetary judgmentsJudgments subsequently becoming unenforceable in local jurisdictionWhether enforceable at common law in England and Wales
PracticeJudgment in defaultApplication to set asideClaimant bringing claims to recover debt from first defendant and reverse transfers of assets made to second to eighth defendantsClaimant obtaining default judgment in debt claimWhether sixth defendant having standing to apply to set aside default judgment Insolvency Act 1986 (c 45), s 423 CPR r 13.3
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