Court of Justice of the European Union
Préfet du Gers and another (No 1)
(Case C‐673/20)
2022 Feb 24; June 9
President K Lenaerts,
Vice-President L Bay Larsen,
Presidents of Chambers K Jürimäe, C Lycourgos, E Regan, S Rodin, N Jääskinen, I Ziemele, J Passer,
Judges F Biltgen, PG Xuereb, N Piçarra, LS Rossi, N Wahl, D Gratsias
Advocate General AM Collins
European UnionCitizenshipWithdrawal by member stateUnited Kingdom national exercising right to reside in member state before United Kingdom’s withdrawal from European UnionWhether thereafter losing citizenship of European UnionWhether consequently losing right to vote and stand as candidate in municipal elections in member state of residence Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community , art 127(1) EU Treaty , arts 9, 50 FEU Treaty , arts 18, 20, 21, 22 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , art 40
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