Court of Justice of the European Union
Veridos GmbH
Ministar na vatreshnite raboti na Republika Bulgaria and another
(Case C-669/20)
2022 Feb 24; Sept 15
President of Chamber C Lycourgos, Judges S Rodin, J-C Bonichot, LS Rossi, O Spineanu-Matei Advocate General M Campos Sánchez-Bordona
Public procurementContract award procedureSelection criteriaBulgarian law governing criterion for verifying whether tender abnormally low if tender more than 20% lower than mean value of tenders submitted by other tenderersWhether national law applying when only two tenders submittedWhether contracting authority required to state reasons for decision awarding contract Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , art 47 Parliament and Council Directive 2009/81/EC, arts 38, 49, 55(2)
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