Privy Council
State of Trinidad and Tobago
[on appeal from the Court of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago]
[2022] UKPC 19
2021 Nov 2, 3; 2022 May 16
Lord Reed PSC, Lord Hodge DPSC, Lord Sales, Lord Hamblen, Lord Stephens JJSC, Lord Hughes, Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lady Arden, Sir Nigel Davis
ConstitutionTrinidad and TobagoHuman rights and fundamental freedomsMandatory death penalty for murderWhether unconstitutionalWhether inconsistent with individual’s right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishmentWhether protected from constitutional challenge by savings clause for existing lawWhether inconsistent with doctrine of separation of powers Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Act 1976 (Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, 1990 rev), s 5, Sch, s 6 Offences Against the Person Act 1925 (Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, 1990 rev), s 4
Judicial precedentPrivy Council decisionEffect of decisionWhether Privy Council to depart from own previous decision
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