Queen’s Bench Division
Regina (Transport Action Network Ltd)
Secretary of State for Transport
[2021] EWHC 2095 (Admin)
2021 June 29, 30;
July 26
Holgate J
EnvironmentProtectionRoad investment strategySecretary of State setting road investment strategy specifying objectives of and financial investment in construction schemes for strategic road networkWhether strategy unlawfulWhether Secretary of State failing to have particular regard to effects of strategy on environmentWhether required to take into account carbon reduction targets in international climate change agreement as obviously material considerationWhether wrongly failing to take into account net zero carbon target and carbon budgets set out in legislation Climate Change Act 2008 (c 27), ss 1, 4 Infrastructure Act 2015 (c 7), s 3(1)(5) Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2016), art 4(1)
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