The Public and Third Sector Law Reports
[2021] PTSR 1144
Queen’s Bench Division
Regina (Minott)
Cambridge City Council
[2021] EWHC 211 (Admin)
2021 Jan 21; Feb 8
Judge Lickley QC sitting as a High Court judge
Local government— Homeless persons— Local connection— Local authority providing claimant homeless person with temporary accommodation— Local authority subsequently referring application to another authority on basis of local connection and terminating licence to occupy accommodation— Claimant refusing to leave temporary accommodation— Claimant making second homelessness application to referring authority citing local connection in its district through residence— Whether passage of time and unlawful occupation of accommodation amounting to new fact for purpose of application— Whether referring authority wrongly refusing to accept second application—
Housing Act 1996 (c 52), ss 188(1), 189B(2), 198(A1), 199(1)
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