Court of Appeal
[2020] EWCA Crim 1540
2020 Nov 12; 20
Dingemans LJ, Jeremy Baker J, Judge Sloan QC
CrimeSentenceDetention and training orderDefendant under 18 when committing terrorist offence but over 18 when sentencedPrinciple that starting point to be sentence defendant would have received if sentenced before turning 18Maximum sentence for those aged under 18 detention and training order of two yearsWhether detention and training orders subject to provisions governing early release of prisoners serving fixed-term sentences for terrorist offencesWhether early release provisions to be taken into account when determining sentence defendant would have received if sentenced before turning 18 Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 (c 6), ss 101, 102 Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c 44), s 247A
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