The Public and Third Sector Law Reports
[2021] PTSR 359
Court of Appeal
Regina (Gathercole)
Suffolk County Council
[On appeal from Regina (Lakenheath Parish Council) v Suffolk County Council]
[2020] EWCA Civ 1179
2020 July 23;Sept 9
Floyd, Asplin, Coulson LJJ
Planning— Planning permission— Appeal— Permission granted for new primary school in village close to air force base— Judicial review claim that permission granted in breach of public sector equality duty and environmental assessment obligations— Whether environmental assessment properly assessing alternative sites— Whether public sector equality duty breached— Whether relief to be refused on basis breach of public sector equality duty made no substantial difference to outcome—
Senior Courts Act 1981 (c 54), s 31(2A)
Parliament and Council Directive 2011/92/EU, art 5(3)(d)
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