Supreme Court
VTB Capital plc
Nutritek International Corpn and others
[2013] UKSC 5
2012 Nov 12, 13, 14;
2013 Feb 6
Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury PSC, Lord Mance, Lord Clarke of Stone-cum-Ebony, Lord Wilson, Lord Reed JJSC
CompanyCorporate personalityPiercing corporate veilClaimant induced to enter loan agreement with company by representations made by third partiesCompany controlled by third partiesClaimant alleging representations dishonestWhether appropriate to pierce corporate veilWhether third parties liable with company for breach of agreement
PracticeClaim formService out of jurisdictionApplication to set aside permission to serve out of jurisdictionAction in tort by English claimant against Russian defendants arising from failure to repay loanTorts allegedly committed in England and governed by English lawWhether English court clearly appropriate forum for trial of actionWhether service out of jurisdiction to be permitted CPR r 6.36, Practice Direction 6B, para 3.1(9)(a)
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