Results: 107

  • Wilkinson v Wilkinson

    04 Mar 1871 LR 12 Eq 604, Equity

    WILLWill and codicilGift of Residue for Life
  • In re Kilvert’s Trusts

    30 Jun 1871 LR 12 Eq 183, Equity

    16 Dec 1871 LR 7 Ch App 170, CA

    WILLLatent AmbiguityParol Evidence
  • In Re Williams’ Estate

    03 Jun 1871 LR 12 Eq 488, Equity

    JURISDICTIONStatutory jurisdictionLocal and Personal Act prior to Lands Clauses Act, 1845
  • Rhodes v Barret, Ex parte Singleton

    30 May 1871 LR 12 Eq 479, Equity

    ADMINISTRATIONTwo Creditors' SuitsConduct of Cause.
    SIR JAMES BACON, V.C.:— I think this case comes clearly within the practice which has been established in this Court in such cases. It has always been the object of the Court to give no encouragement whatever to mere dexterity of practice, to mere ingenuity, which, I think, has been resorted to in this case. The facts are very plain. On the 23rd of December, 1870, the summons was taken out by Mr. Singleton. It was returnable on the 11th of January, and ought then to have been proceeded with. It is said that that summons was defective, inasmuch as
  • Pointon v Pointon

    11 Jun 1871 LR 12 Eq 547, Equity

    EXECUTORExecutor and trusteeSurviving Partner and Purchaser
  • Cousens v Rose

    19 Apr 1871 LR 12 Eq 366, Equity

    RIGHT OF WAYGrantRight of Way
  • Ex Parte Mathews, In re Cherry

    17 Jun 1871 LR 12 Eq 596, Equity

    PRACTICECosts of successful Appellant.
    SIR JAMES BACON, C.J.:— Although I am of opinion that the rule laid down by the Lords Justices in the recent case of Denny v. Hancock, and declared by them to be the ordinary rule of the Court of Chancery, is a very hard rule — for the successful Appellant must be considered to have been prosecuting a righteous cause — and, notwithstanding the practice of the Common Law Courts and the Privy Council, yet I think I am bound to follow that rule. I must, therefore, refuse to give the Appellant in this case the costs of the appeal,
  • Attorney-General v Read

    29 Apr 1871 LR 12 Eq 38, Equity

    MARRIAGEMarriage act (4 geo. 4, c. 76), s. 23Minor
  • Attorney-General v Clements

    25 Apr 1871 LR 12 Eq 32, Equity

    MARRIAGEMarriage act (4, geo. 4 c. 76), s. 23Minor
  • Upmann v Elkan

    LR 12 Eq 140, Equity

    05 Dec 1871 LR 7 Ch App 130, CA

    Subsequent considerations : 1 positive; 1 negative. Subsequent citations: 16.
    FORGERYForged trade-markInjunction

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