ICLR ran an intimate event for long standing customers at the incredible offices of Minter Ellison Rudd Watts in Auckland.

Overlooking the beautiful Auckland Harbour attendees from the Law Society, Chapman Tripp, Clayton UTZ and Minters themselves, plus various other local law firms kindly gave up an hour or two of their time to have some nibbles and drink some wine and listen to Paul Magrath give a brief and comical speech on the continued value of the Law Reports. Paul covered the close history that ICLR has with the law reports of New Zealand and a brief update on the technological advances that ICLR have made recently in the pursuit of advancing legal research both in the UK and around the world.

The event was kindly put together with the great help of Erin Cairney from Minters and currently president of NZLLA, the New Zealand Law Librarian’s Association, without whose help the event could never have happened. So a huge thanks to Erin and we hope to see you at our next conference down under!