The New User Interface for ICLR Online
It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of an entirely new user interface for ICLR Online.
The substantial enhancements delivered by the new design will render our online version more comprehensive, precise and convenient than ever.
A clean, clear view of updated and readily available content
Single Search
One single search form that combines the Case Search and Citator+
New Search Tools
Expanded search tools provide more comprehensive searching
Better Search Results
Consolidated results make navigation to reports, Citator+, Bailii and other links quick and logical
New Content at No Extra Cost
Case Notes and Commentary: now we capture all the unreported cases in our intuitive Case Note summary available as standard within your subscription. The new Commentary content provides access to relevant commentaries to the case including those of the UK Supreme Court decisions.
…and perhaps most beneficial, the new interface is fully-optimised for mobile and tablet devices, providing upwardly mobile content wherever you are.
A final word:
underpinning these technical enhancements is the single, unchanging truth that the ICLR has consistently produced the most authoritative law reports in the English jurisdiction dating back to 1865, covering all the cases that matter. We still have the biggest and best legally-trained reporting team, and our Law Reports are still preferred by judges.
That remains the most ‘intuitive user interface’ of all.
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The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales
Charity No.250605 Limited by Guarantee – Company Registered No.5034
Megarry House, 119 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PP, United Kingdom