Litigants in Person: a cautionary tale
It’s often said that a lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. The trouble is, when it’s your own case, you are more likely to be persuaded of its rightness as a cause and blinded to its weakness as a case. This is no less true of lawyers than anyone
It’s often said that a lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. The trouble is, when it’s your own case, you are more likely to be persuaded of its rightness as a cause and blinded to its weakness as a case. This is no less true of lawyers than anyone else, possibly more so, because you may be persuaded not only of the rightness of your case, but also of your superior skills as an advocate. In his retirement the great jurist Lord Denning, who in his days as a judge had cut through many a knotty legal problem to find a just solution, took up litigation on his own account. As this anecdote testifies in the current issue of the much loved Oldie Magazine, he didn’t always have the better case.
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