Tips on reading WLR Dailies on i-Pad and i-Phone
It’s easy to access and read our WLR Daily case summaries on your i-Phone or i-Pad, despite the limitations of the touch-screen version of the Safari web browser. But it’s not as straightforward as it might be, so here’s a step-by-step guide. 1. Open the ICLR home page at 2. Go to Case Search
It’s easy to access and read our WLR Daily case summaries on your i-Phone or i-Pad, despite the limitations of the touch-screen version of the Safari web browser. But it’s not as straightforward as it might be, so here’s a step-by-step guide.
1. Open the ICLR home page at
2. Go to Case Search on the upper grey toolbar
3. Select Case Summaries on the lower grey toolbar which will then appear
4. You can either enter the case name or other details, or simply click on This Week, This Month etc, followed by Search Now, to get a list of recent WLR Ds.
5. From the Results display generated by your search, press and hold your finger on the highlighted publication reference. A dialogue box should pop up, giving you the choice of “Open”, “Open in New Page” or “Copy”.
6. Select “Open in New Page” and the entire report should display in a new browser page.
7. You can also select “Copy” which copies the individual url for the report and can be pasted into the browser address box or into an email, text message, blog or tweet.
NB. The critical point to remember is not to attempt to open the case from the Home Page listing or from the left hand navigation page listing on other pages of the site. Only ever open it, using the “Open in New Page” procedure, from the Results listing.
The above procedure avoids the problem caused by the browser’s failure to display individual scrollable frames within web pages (which is how the WLR Daily content is normally displayed on PC and laptop browsers).
NB The above guidance applies to the free Case Search facility on For subscribers using ICLR Online, different considerations apply.