Law Reporting: the inside story
“A lot of people don’t know much about law reporting. We all read them, of course… at least, we’re supposed to read them”, says legendary law blogger Charon QC, introducing his latest “lawcast” for InsiteLaw Mag in which he interviews Daniel Hoadley, a member of the Bar who went into law reporting for ICLR. Daniel
“A lot of people don’t know much about law reporting. We all read them, of course… at least, we’re supposed to read them”, says legendary law blogger Charon QC, introducing his latest “lawcast” for InsiteLaw Mag in which he interviews Daniel Hoadley, a member of the Bar who went into law reporting for ICLR.
Daniel joined us a little over a year ago, having previously spent a short time with ICLR doing work experience. He came at an opportune moment. ICLR was embarking on an ambitious new project to develop a direct online subscriber service for all its publications. (Hitherto, the majority of its publications had only been available online as licensed content on third party aggregator sites.)
At the heart of the new service there was to be an online version of the best-selling Consolidated Index. Daniel became part of a team, led by the Development Editor, which turned this traditional hard copy research tool into what has now become “Citator Plus”, a dynamic online database with vastly extended scope and power as a research tool in terms of both content and functionality.
In the Michaelmas term, one of the reporters took maternity leave and Daniel was an obvious choice to cover her courts. At the time, he was essentially working out the year or so that he had to wait before he could take up the pupillage which he had already arranged. Listen to this interview to find out why, ultimately, he decided to give up that supposedly golden prospect, and a life at the junior criminal bar, and to join ICLR at this most exciting moment in its 146-year history.
Read Daniel’s Carrefax blog on Courts in Camera – or vice versa.
Register for a free trial of the new ICLR online.