Upper Tribunal
TopMark Claims Management Ltd
[2020] UKUT 106 (AAC)
2020 Jan 15;
April 2
Upper Tribunal Judge Markus QC
Limitation of actionPersonal injuriesMesothelioma compensation schemeScheme administrator refusing application under compensation scheme on ground applicant “able to bring action for damages” in respect of diseaseApplicant appealing to First-tier TribunalLimitation period for bringing action for damages in respect of disease expiring before hearingWhether tribunal to take account of facts as at time of its decision or time of administrator’s decisionWhether applicant unable to bring action for damages “for any other reason”Whether applicant “able to bring action” after expiry of limitation period Limitation Act 1980 (c 58), s 12(2) Mesothelioma Act 2014 (c 1), ss 3(1)(c), 18(3) Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme Regulations 2014 (SI 2014/916) regs 7, 25
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