Court of Appeal
Timis and another
Osipov (Protect intervening)
[2018] EWCA Civ 2321
2018 July 9, 10; Oct 19
Underhill, Rafferty, Sales LJJ
EmploymentProtected disclosureAct by co-workerDirectors of company employing claimant deciding to dismiss him because of protected disclosuresClaim against employer of automatic unfair dismissal and against directors as co-workers subjecting him to detriment leading to dismissalWhether claim against directors relying on detriment amounting to dismissalWhether directors liable for losses resulting from dismissal Employment Rights Act 1996 (c 18), ss 47B, 103A (as inserted by Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (c 23), ss 2, 5 and Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 (c 24), s 19(1) and amended by Employment Relations Act 1999 (c 26), s 18(2)(b))
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