British Broadcasting Corporation and another
[2018] EWHC 1837 (Ch)
2018 April 12, 13, 16– 20; 23– 26,
May 8, 9;
July 18
Mann J
Human rightsRespect for private lifeInterference withFreedom of expressionPolice force investigating well-known entertainer in relation to allegation of sexual abusePolice giving broadcaster advance notice of search of entertainer’s homeBroadcaster televising searchPolice bringing no charges against entertainerWhether entertainer having reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to investigationWhether private quality of information about investigation changing following receipt by broadcasterWhether entertainer’s privacy rights engagedWhether of greater weight than broadcaster’s right to freedom of expressionWhether broadcaster breaching entertainer’s privacy rights Human Rights Act 1998 (c 42), Sch 1, Pt I, arts 8, 10
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