Court of Justice of the European Union
FV (Italy)
Secretary of State for the Home Department
Land Baden-Württemberg
(Joined Cases C‑424/16 and C‑316/16)
2017 July 17;
Oct 24;
2018 April 17
President K Lenaerts,
Vice-President A Tizzano,
Presidents of Chambers R Silva de Lapuerta, M Ilešič, JL da Cruz Vilaça, A Rosas, CG Fernlund,
Judges E Juhász, C Toader, M Safjan, D Šváby, A Prechal, E Jarašiūnas
Advocate General M Szpunar
European UnionFreedom of movementRight to resideEnhanced protection against expulsion for Union citizens residing in host member state for ten yearsUnion citizen claimants residing in host states for over ten years sentenced to imprisonment thereHost states deciding to expel claimantsWhether requirement to have right of permanent residence in host state in order to be eligible for enhanced protectionWhether requirement of residence in host state for previous ten years satisfied where claimant having right of permanent residence in host state and living there for 20 years before receiving sentencePoint at which compliance with residence condition assessed Parliament and Council Directive 2004/38/EC, arts 16, 28
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